All food should be served when it's happy!

Sep 03, 2005 18:49

"A most pained piece of lettuce found on this dinner plate. What horrible lettuce catastrophe has befallen this green visage? One must wonder."

"Who knew the rage held within the seemingly docile bell pepper? I mean, no one likes being cut in half, but this bell pepper looks far angrier than most."

"Simon put a regular bowl of oxtail soup into his microwave and it came out looking like this. We suggest that Simon checks his microwave specifications as it seems to include the ability to entrap souls. Simon wrote "It looks as if it's in pain. I still ate it."

"Crane was ordering a meal and got this pickle served up on the side. She thinks that, while it is definitely shouting at her, it's also very, very happy. I think all food should be served when it's happy. That's just me."

"Pete's Christmas dinner included this surprised-looking gerkin (you'd be surprised to if someone sliced you in half). Pete seemed to state that this gerkin-creature was as delicious as he is cute."

"Pontus mentioned that it looked as if it was screaming at him. Several minutes face-down in a hot skillet - I'd be screaming too."

Meer "Food anomalies"
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