Mar 07, 2008 00:23
Here's the deal: People who have been tagged post their answers and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 5 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse (well, I'm saying you can refuse if you really don't want to do it). These 5 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you.
Note: i will not tag, for i have no one to tag, but i do like to answer questions and surveys.
1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket what do you do with it?
unfortunately, i'd most likely waste it on eating out. i need to get out of this expensive habit. but everyone around me wants to go out and eat out of convenience or escapism.
2. What is your most guilty pleasure?
sleeping in. my coworker thinks i have a slightly unhealthy obsession with sleep.
3. Have you ever seen someone die?
i have not.
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
always. but i try not to worry about it too much. sometimes, i'm successful, sometimes not.
5. What was the last movie you saw, for pleasure, and would you recommend it?
michael clayton. no. it was a slow movie for the most part. great performances, but painfully slow and non-thrilling story.
6. Superman or Batman?
batman. for whatever geeky reason you can think of.
7. If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?
no. i think that's pointless. we've got our own lives to make something of. no time to wait around for some other joe schmoe.
**8. Current song/album you've been listening to repeatedly?
mark kozelek's "what's next to the moon."
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
plenty. my car's declared as a total loss. the insurance company is giving less than what i still own on him. i need to look for and buy another car. i need to round up money for a palauan tradition. and in my pessimistic mood, a trip to japan to visit P3of3 is looking shaky.
10. If you could have chosen at birth whether to be a boy or a girl, which would you be?
it'd be interesting to see how life as a boy would be, but honestly, i kinda like how i turned out, so a girl i'd be.
11. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?
sloth. i'm lazy, obsessed with sleep and relaxing, and unmotivated to get things done.
12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react?
o_O' then i'd remove myself from the entire equation.
13. Who is(are) currently the most important person(s) to you?
the family. the boy. the dog. (the dog may come before the boy. ha!)
14. Would you rather be a really good person or a really interesting person?
at this point in life, i'd settle for being an interesting person. i think i quit worrying about being a good person a while ago.
15. Do you believe in some form of life after death?
i'd like to think so. but it's up in the air.
16. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?
i don't see myself marrying. period.
17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
recently, i find i've become quite a selfish person. so, probably not.
18. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?
maybe? "wait for it." it could imply that either something worthwhile will happen in the future and/or i'm just a lazy bastard to do it now.
19. What is your favourite past-time?
sleeping in. watching movies. critiquing movies. chatting with my co-workers j. and s. and the boy.
20. What place most speaks to you?
my bed or the living room floor. it's where i do the bulk of my sleeping and relaxing.