Anyways I did this last night in class just messing around with stuff...more of my basic photoshop graphics mongering. I put it under the cut. Hrmm I wanna redo my journal tonight @_@...but All my code is outdated and un impressive and FUCKING LIVE JOURNAL won't accept my credit card... I think I am going to buy that purse, its this cute HELLO KITTY one, its reversable and all its like 14$, she said that included shipping, but I'll ask agian cause in the e-mail she said 3.50 was the shipping meh, its cute as HELLo XD haha Anyways teacher is here and I think hes gonna get right into lecture...and now for the cut. YAY ILLUSTRAITOR DEMO ...O_O WOW AND OUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT.
PS its not my best but meh....