Right. I have determined I that I cannot commit to writing long pieces about Cuba. I've tried, but work keeps getting in the way and while I can manage to get time for shorter posts, there aint no way I'll manage a series of posts about the trip. Its no wonder all of my nanowrimo attempts peter out after 1500 words.
So here's the short version: Cuba was amazing. I will no doubt bore you to death over Christmas or at Warpcon should you be foolish enough to ask me to elaborate, but it is probably enough to say that it was an awesome experience including several highs and a couple of lows (and we're not just talking weather related terms here, boom, boom). I will have pictures on my person.
In the past two weeks or so, I have been mad busy at work with my new role proving to be an interesting challenge. Essentially, I feel like I've had a large boulder removed from my path and I've been let loose on the clients, fixing problems, repairing relationships and saving accounts like some kind of Mtivity superhero. Most of this is down to the great backing I get from my new boss to do this, and as a result confidence in my own ability means I'm delivering ahead of targets on most things aleady. Which can only be good news for when my bonus structure for 2006 is put in place in January.
With working life essentially fixed for the moment, the social side of things was basically battered into the ground by the fact that I have had no money since, oh, 19 days before payday (today). As a result, there has been a lot of enforced hermitage, that was rescued from the TV by my full version of WoW showing up with its 30-days free bit. Other things that were free like Thanksgiving dinner and meeting up with DotC for some games or that I already had tickets for like Ice-skating and the Frames (do they *ever* have a bad gig? Awesome again) all in the last week last week have provided a pick-me-up towards the end of the month.
So heading into December, things are looking up work wise and I will hopefully be on the straight and narrow financially with the new structure etc. Now, just to get those loans cleared - oh look, I spy a New year's resolution a month early ;)