Sep 11, 2007 16:03
Rocky Horror 2007 Cast List
Frank Seth Johnson
Brad Pat Wagner
Janet Jennifer Skegman
Rocky Ehryk Menze
Riff Brian Elliott
Magenta Ella Bartlett
Colombia Magy Carpenter
Eddie Anthony Ascione
Dr. Scott Andy Poe
Narrator Marty Martello
Lead Tranny#1 Emily Martello
Lead Tranny#2 Alania O'Brian
Tranny Corps
Paula Knauss Erin Asplund
Cara Manor Jennifer Naasz
Mindi Ebright Sarah Frame
Katie Killian April Samsey
Mary Rose Piutila Rachel Granda-Gluski
Brian Sundberg Sherry Bollero
Kristen Halsey Gemma Martello
Courtney Midtgard Nicoletta Fraire
Kayla McGree Corrie Weikle
Keegan Birney Kylynn Purdue- Bronson
Chelsea Hill Megan Lavey
Thankyou to all who came. I know every director says this, and now I knowwhy. Assembling the cast is a hard process. With so much talent to workwith I had to choose from many people for most roles. I wish there wasmore main characters so I could utilize more of you in a larger role.That being said (and being honestly said) remember that Trannys havethe most fun. I think we have a great cast and think this show will beamazing.
First rehersal will be on sunday from 6 to 9. It willbe a first read and music intro. You will be given scripts and rehersalscheduals at that time and we will also be measuring for costumes.Thank you and if you have any questions please cal me at (906) 4580404. This is gonna' be fun!