Tasale Legacy 4.1

Jul 11, 2013 22:43

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Hello and welcome to Tasale Legacy generation 4! Wow. I can't believe I've come this far I must not give up this legacy. So yeah we ended college with Karima taking a picture with her siblings and friends and now she's back to the main house in Almaren and we'll start searching for the spouse and continue with the babies!
Also I'm going to upload Gen III kids later but not now haha

New bedroom hell yeah

Hello baby robot
I changed his name to Arduino at some point?? I don't remember but I needed a new name for him because it gets boring anyway so Arduino it is
(Please don't talk to me about robotics I will lie down and cry I am a failed robotics student)

Rigel's dreaming about himself don't tell Sahra

Spouse hunting B^) ACR told me that Karima prefers girls so let's hunt for girls

I met SHSL Princess....I forgot her actual name but too bad Karima doesn't have a good chemistry with her :^( she's cute
Also I just realized she's wearing the same clothes like Karima oh my god

Karima met Ayyna Moriyama, who is a townie I made when I was bored??? I made lots like Lots of townies
They had p good chemistry so hey why not

Loud crying I hope she's not on a date with that fricker
Go away Malcolm she's mine

I took her home because that lot is kind of sort of prone to crashing so...yeah

Our pimp robot had some love potions left in his pocket so why not use it it might work

Her lifetime want was something involving oceanography so I gave her that job! Yea

High five with hte dad

"Don't worry lemon tree you're still better than orange"

My girlfriend Yasemin passed by...reminds me that I really have to play the Landerfelts again :0
At this point you might notice that I just went really lazy with the editing

Promotion yeehaw

Angry gamer Sahra


Meanwhile Rigel is enjoying the pool

Karima proposed!! Let's do this Quick I can't wait for the babies

Cute...oh no

And we're back to eating normally. Ok

It's about time we get a new pet. Since we already had too much dogs I tried for something different and adopted a cat. Her name is Mirai! She's kind of a doofus but she's cute so I don't care.

GOD you already have a bedroom please don't do this

Hello yes today is wedding day and I'm laughing at Arduino's suit

The gang's all here

Beautiful gay wedding

Ash that's rude he's your brother

Robot dance battle wowo

Is something wrong Ayyna


Watching TV in the new living room with mama

Someone wants to kiss

Ok there I granted your wish

Baby chimes B^) I will probably use simblender to accelerate pregnancy oops sorry sims sorry

The devildog is back. The devildog is back

What is wrong with this family why are people doing this please go to your bedroom

You did this Ayyna now you have to clean up the mess yourself


Healthy juice for a healthy baby I guess


Everyone panic

I would paste thhe shiny ponyta copy pasta again but I won't so let me Just
Here's the baby. I love the baby. She has Ayyna's pretty orange eyes and her name is Mioda. Ok there might be a little bit of naming theme going on here (1st generation is mass effect themed, 2nd is astronomy themed, 3rd is??? nice names themes...I don't even know if it has a theme)
And 4th...I'm going to name them after anime and video game characters like the fucking weeaboo I am

Right after she gives birth she's going back to work. Amazing

And that's all for now!!! More babies coming soon????????????? Maybe

tasale legacy

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