Tomorrow (As in friday.) is the last day of nine straight days of working. Dealing with stupid people around the holidays really sucks. Granted, I was supposed to have Christmas off and worked anyway, but I need the holiday pay. After tomorrow, I have five days off! That means I can finally stop to think. Maybe even sleep! Hopefully, I'll get a chance during that time to update about holiday stuff with Ian and Christmas with my family.
Plans for the next few days:
Friday: Work until close then hopefully get some sleep.
Saturday: Drive
lady_shada to Red Wing to pick up Zoe (Yay for my car going to someone I know!). Pick up
esmeralda1500. Then, Keiran's, then Cetius's.
Sunday: Sleep... a lot. Then going to the Dubliner to see the Bhoys.
Monday-Wenesday: Not making any plans until later. Mostly relaxing stuff. Hopefully cleaning up my room some.
Soon, I should feel a bit less zombie-like.