Sep 13, 2006 19:00
It would appear that this service will be less of an on-line journal for me, and more of a rant corner.
Today's topic: Star Wars
It's an old classic for me, beginning about the time of Episode 1 where I realized that the storyline was starting to suck. This was then supported with the release of Episode 2 where Yoda bounced around like a pinball. By the gods, the man's eight hundred years old! A theory began to fester within my broken mind: That maybe George Lucas had become more senile than myself.
Since I began to exit adolescence and enter my own personal form of adulthood at this stage I was able to realize the folly of Lucas' works in the last ten years. Ever since he re-released the original trilogy in their "Special Edition" perversion he's been nuts. Not only did the Special Edition add three minutes of unnecessary, boring visual to the film - the occasional blip of quite poor 3D animation ruined the rest of the film. He then, of course, went on to fiddle with his masterpiece even more when he re-released the films on dvd.
It is here that people say, "well it's his film, he can do what he wants with it". You people are, quite simply, idiots. The films were no longer his, they were the property of the people. As seeing as how strong a following the original three films made one has to wonder why the man felt he needed to mess with the classic. I know there are still a lot of you thinking I'm an idiot, and that it's "his film" but for a minute ignore that part of you and think along these lines: How would you feel if the person who made your favorite movie, toy, book, video game, song, etc. decided that they didn't like it themselves and change it? This is something that has become part of you, it's part of what made you the person you are today. Be honest, you'd be pissed if they changed it and burned the original. (That's with fire, not onto a cd.)
Ah-hem. I guess I should actually move onto the point now. I went down to JB today to purchase the original trilogy on dvd. I refused to buy it earlier because ol' man Lucas had urinated on his painted and said it was better than before. So I go to get it and when I pick it up there it is - the original on dvd. No remastered video, no 5.1 surround sound. literally the original, as if they'd just hooked up a VCR to a PC and burned the video onto dvd. What the hell is the point of that!? Finally Lucasarts had seemed to develop a brain. They'd heard the masses saying the wanted a non-polluted version, and so they brought out versions that had the "Special Edition" and the original. But they haven't cleaned up a single thing on the original! Gods sake. I've got a VHS tape that's got better quality than that dvd.
Seriously, it's annoying. Finally I was going to be able to buy Star Wars, the first trilogy, the decent trilogy, the one where people can actually act, the one where the storyline makes sense, and watch it in a dvd experience.
I have Indiana Jones - each one in 5.1 with remastered video. Why the hell can't they just do the same for Star Wars.
Because George Lucas is senile.
To anyone who actually reads all that, good on you. You've done well.
Well, I've vented now. I feel better.