Women on 20s

Apr 20, 2016 14:25

Hey, remember the campaign to replace either Hamilton or Jackson on American money with women? Well, Hamilton is going to stay where he is--the ten-dollar founding father--thanks in large part to lobbying by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Hamilton fans. Andrew Jackson, on the other hand, is on his way out. AND LOOK WHO IS TAKING HIS PLACE.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew is expected to announce that he has decided to put abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman on a new $20 bill, according to a spokesman for the Treasury Department.

According to the New York Times, "[o]ther depictions of women and civil rights leaders will also be part of new currency designs.

"The new designs, from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, would be made public in 2020 in time for the centennial of woman’s suffrage and the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. None of the bills, including a new $5 note, would reach circulation until the next decade."

women on 20s, women being awesome, women's rights

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