Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 28, 2015 13:15

Dear Yuletide Writer,

First off, thank you very much for doing this. I appreciate this more than you can possibly guess. I will appreciate WHATEVER you decide to write, so long as you enjoy writing it. All of what follows is just...additional info, if you need it (or if anyone writing treats is curious).

Specifics about my requests:

Matthew Swift series -- Kate Griffin )

yuletide 2015, dear yuletide writer, yuletide

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gehayi January 25 2016, 18:26:48 UTC
Hi! I just found you yesterday, courtesy of hamsterwoman; she linked to your Tumblr (which was excellent). I really enjoyed your poster breakdowns of what happens per Dresden Files book. You're right; it is easy to lose track of what happened (and when, which is my besetting difficulty). Then I went to your LJ and started reading your meta and decided, "I have to follow this LJ. This is too good."

I loved your sporking of 50 Shades, the parts with Harry, Thomas and Bob, and your DF/Twilight fic "Thomas Raith Explains It All".

Thank you! I'm amazed that you even know who I am! (I keep forgetting that more people have heard of me now because of the 50 Shades sporking.)

Should I post that fic on AO3, do you think? Are you on AO3? If so, what name do you use there?

And discovering now you're also one of those five or so people into Griffin's Urban Magic is the icing on the cake!

I love that series so much. It deserves to be far more widely loved than it is! And I am totally in denial about Nabeela's death because that was NOT FAIR. I want the Muslim technogorgon back, damn it. She and Penny could have had their own series where they worked together as a pair of best friends. (And maybe more, but I really, really love the friendship between them.)

How do you feel about Bujold's Chalion-verse? I just finished reading the last book in the series so far, The Hallowed Hunt.

And--if you read it--what did you think of Skin Game? I have the book--I've had it almost since it was published--but I got about as far as the third page (when Nicodemus cut out the tongue of a young fool who wanted to serve the Denarians completely) and stopped there. Does it get any better?


aletheiafelinea January 25 2016, 20:50:21 UTC
Yikes! A misunderstanding here - I'm thrilled that you liked my meta things on LJ, but DF posters aren't mine. I mean, I'm not the author, I just reblogged them on my Tumblr (which I have mostly to collect things that aren't on dA) and then shown them to hamsterwoman. I see that in her todays post she already linked directly to the primary source, thankfully. I hate it's so easy to confuse sources on Tumblr, but on the other hand I often link to my own reblogs, because I want to make sure it'll be still there when someone comes and finds such link much later. Sorry for making all this confusion! Well, at least everything on my LJ is actually mine. :)

Should I post that fic on AO3, do you think?
Sure, I don't see why not! Granted, it's more a meta fic than fic on its own, so to speak, and I think most of Twilight fandom would need a note about Justine and all, but I think I'm not only one who's disappointed there's only so many fics on AO3 and that take on the theme of DF White Court vs Twilight sparklepires. Yours is one of very few, and probably the best one. And at least it's complete, even if short.

Are you on AO3? If so, what name do you use there?
I'm here. I'm Aletheia or (more often) Aletheia Felinea everywhere I can.

It deserves to be far more widely loved than it is!
So true! Not only it's well written, but so innovative in urban fantasy terms that it's really a crime it's not recognized more widely.

And I am totally in denial about Nabeela's death because that was NOT FAIR. I want the Muslim technogorgon back, damn it.
Bringing a great character and killing her in the same book, such a waste... But that seems to be Griffin's way in general. With her, you really never know who's to die... I approve as a reader, and hate it as a fan. *sigh*

I was a Bujold fan years ago (fifteen or so), and I keep telling myself I must come back to her (especially now that I found other fans), but I haven't so far.

Skin Game - depends on what you mean by better. Nicodemus keeps being Nicodemus, Harry more than ever keeps being Harry (as in: pissing Nicodemus for fun; though I must say the moment when Nicodemus's eye starts twitching is one of my favorite in the book), and you may or may not like what happens to Murphy and Butters (actually I'm fairly sure you won't like the bit about Murphy, though upon re-reading I found myself less angry and even seeing some silver lining there). Depending on whether you like such things or not, there's also a huge plot twist again (as in: Harry turning out a biggest epitome of all unreliable narrators ever), which I loved, because it's the sort making you re-interpret pieces of the book (not all, like The Sixth Sense movie, just pieces, but still). In other news: Uriel gets more pagetime, and Michael comes back, as in: comes back into action, though it's not to be a permanent thing carrying into next books. Also, there's Harry & Maggie meeting friggin' finally. Not terribly realistic, I'd say, but cute. Also, Anna Valmont shows up again. Also, Harry's headaches get a solution being one of reasons I'm waiting for Peace Talks with a curious anticipation.
One huge downside: there's no Thomas. Not even as much as in Ghost Story. Which is another reason I want the next book at last, especially that looks like it's going to be as much Thomas-centered as Blood Rites or White Night.
Not sure what else you'd like to know, and I hope I haven't spoiled it to you too much already. If you have more questions, ask, please!


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