Fifty Shades Freed--Chapter Seven (Part III) [Sporkers: GEHAYI and KET MAKURA]

Nov 17, 2014 23:35

Fifty Shades Freed--Chapter 7 (Part III)

In which Grey wants to fuck Ana at work because “you’re my wife”, despite Ana saying no out loud to his face multiple times; Ana cannot keep track of her own canonical timeline; bothering people is an achievement; Grey has “floppy sex-hair” despite NOT having had sex with Ana; Ana tells Grey to his face that he never listens to her; Grey informs Ana that she is as precious to him as a child (hello there, Pedophilia!); there is hatred for a woman architect who dares to be beautiful; Ket and I would much rather watch Let’s Plays of a survival horror video game; and Ana’s solution to everything is lots and lots of white wine.

#fifty shades freed #50 shades freed #rape threats tw #pedophila tw #internalized misogyny #incipent alcoholism tw #eternal darkness sanity's requiem #sporkings #christian grey belongs in a horror movie #whyarewereadingthis

fifty shades, fifty shades freed, emotional abuse, rape culture, bad writing, why are we reading this, fifty shades of grey

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