Fifty Shades Darker--Chapter Ten (Part I) [SPORKERS--GEHAYI and KET MAKURA]

Oct 01, 2013 02:30

Fifty Shades Darker--Chapter Ten (Part I)

In which Ana Steele denies that she has ever hated being hit--which effectively means that the entire plot of the first book, such as it was, never happened; Ket and I discuss public service announcements; Ana deduces Grey's alleged love for a hobby from one short sentence in the previous book for which there was never any evidence; we learn the first name (and, possibly, the true identity) of Grey's chief bodyguard; conversations about Grey's friendlessness and self-proclaimed inability to relate to anyone in a way that doesn't involve beating or fucking loop together in a Mobius strip; ELJ proves that she knows nothing about toddlers; Ana and Grey have a rather belated "getting to know you" conversation; and there is mention of a very angry gazebo.

#whyarewereadingthis #weekend of wish-fulfillment #internalized misogyny #anti-woman messages #this weekend will never end #fucking doesn't mean true love #abuse is not romantic #immaturity is not romantic either #stop thinking of the guy you're screwing as a sweet little boy #christian oliver twist #christian grey belongs in a horror movie #50shadesofabuse

fifty shades, fifty shades darker, sporkings, bad writing, abuse

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