Notes on the Shooting in Colorado

Jul 21, 2012 13:40

In Aurora, bomb experts complete first phase of disarming apartment of James Holmes

On Saturday morning, local and federal bomb experts were able to safely disable a tripwire and an incendiary device rigged near the entrance to James Holmes’s 800-square-foot apartment, Aurora Police Sgt. Cassidee Carlson said. Those two things had been “set up to kill” the first person to walk into the apartment, such as a police officer executing a search warrant[.]

Another law enforcement official had said earlier that the process of disarming the apartment would happen in three phases, for the three types of explosives that Holmes left there.

Chilling parallel between shooting, 'Dark Knight' comic

As the horrific details of the shooting at a Colorado theater continue to emerge, some are noticing a parallel between the incident and a page from "The Dark Knight Returns," a series of four comic books, originally published as a graphic novel written and drawn by Frank Miller.

As the article says several times, "The Dark Knight Returns" and the movie The Dark Knight Rises don't have the same plot. But with a crazy guy, that probably wouldn't matter.

I'd probably link to more articles, but Holmes' smug, smirking mug shot is plastered all over the internet. And I don't want to give him that kind of attention. I don't care what he's like; I'm not interested in his motivations or his background. I want his attempt at gaining fame to be useless. I want him to be locked up forever so that he can never hurt anyone again, and then I want him forgotten, treated like the nonentity that he is. (I don't want him sentenced to death, because that would mean far more attention focused on him and would probably PROLONG his miserable existence. Let him waste away in prison or in a hospital instead.)

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shootings, links, crime, lady justice is crying

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