Eleven Questions Meme

May 17, 2012 10:19

Gacked from

Rule 1 - Post the rules
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.

1) You're forced into a long car ride with someone you don't much care for. What do you do?

Read, do puzzles and sleep. This will ensure that I don't say anything to get on her nerves; I'll be too busy entertaining myself to talk much.

2) You completely forget you have to bring a dish to a dinner party after work, and it's 4:46PM. Do you run to the deli and pick up a salad, then take that, or do you run to the deli, pick up a salad and some disposable tupperware, dump the salad in it and pretend you brought it from home?

Assuming that I have some form of transportation besides Dial-A-Ride, I'm going to the deli to pick up a salad and I'm not going to pretend that I made it from scratch. Truthfully, I would have gone to the store and gotten fresh fruits or fresh veggies anyway; they come in fairly large platters at my supermarket.

3) Fanfic or profic?

Working on both. Currently preferring good fanfic, because while there is good profic, there seems to be more good fanfic than there is good profic. Also, aside from a handful of pro authors, most of the profic seems to be stories about men...and if I run into one more story where a woman's suffering or death drives a man to do something a bad situation, I shall spit. Hell, even most of the so-called "women's fiction" involves no antagonist and absolutely nothing happening except for the woman moaning about not having a boyfriend, which is my idea of a non-problem.

I want to read books about women being awesome--doing things, discovering things and breaking new ground, whether in fiction or non-fiction--and I'm having a very hard time finding such books. They don't have to save the world; I just want them to be the heroines of their own story and interested in SOMETHING other than love or sex. (Being focused on a love interest does NOT count.)

4) Beer, wine or hard liquor?

I don't drink. It doesn't mix well with my meds.

5) How many times have you been to the library in the past year?

About a hundred and fifty times, I'd say.

6) Best meal you've ever eaten?

The one that I ate after I came home from the shelter after nine days.

7) Married, single, in a relationship, it's complicated?

Single. Not looking.

8) Kids?

Thank God, NO. I would be a horrible parent.

9) Moral absolutism or moral relativism?

I'm not sure. I tend to think more in terms of good and bad, but I'll also make an exception if I feel the circumstances warrant it. I will NOT make an exception for someone who is hurting others just because he wants to.

In other words, I feel that theft is wrong, but I'm not going to get too fussed about Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread. I will get fussed over a rich bastard embezzling or a lazy student plagiarizing. By the same token, I feel that murder is wrong. If I run into a character who is killing others because he enjoys it and hey, he's entitled because they're bad people, so what difference does it make--well, my first impulse will not be to praise him with great praise but to want to drop a series of anvils on his head.

And yes, this applies to fictional characters as well to real life. It causes problems with some books; many authors are fond of double standards, allowing the heroes leeway that the villains don't possess. As far as I'm concerned, wrong is wrong, and it doesn't become right just because your side is doing it.

10) Favorite saying?

I don't have a single favorite saying. I have a lot of favorites.

11) Are you happy?

I think so. I'm not happy 24/7, but I have friends and I have a lot of things to read and watch that make me laugh a lot.

Now, for the new eleven questions. And I'm not going to tag anyone, as I don't think many people are reading my journals these days. So if you see this and you want to do this, that's fine. If you don't want to, that's fine too.

1) Name an author that you love reading and tell us what about this person's books appeals to you.

2) This is from a poster that a friend sent me. "The zombie apocalypse has arrived. Whatever is closest on your left-hand side is your primary weapon; whatever is closest on your right-hand side is your secondary weapon. The main character in the last TV show that you watched is your last surviving friend. How badly screwed are you?"

3) What's your favorite fictional/mythological creature? Why?

4) Coffee, tea, juice or milk?

5) Least favorite domestic chore?

6) You have been given the power to change one thing about the world. What are you going to change?

7) What fictional universe would you absolutely NOT want to live in?

8) You can have a dinner party with any three people from history. Who are you inviting?

9) Name a person that you admire. Why do you admire that person?

10) What's one of your favorite movies?

11) What three things infuriate you in fiction?


This entry was originally posted at http://gehayi.dreamwidth.org/451713.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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