Apr 24, 2012 00:20

Cool! Someone wrote me a story for Remix Madness!

Father's Day (The Never Been Kissed Remix)

It's a Dresden Files story about Ivy, a.k.a. the Archive (the living repository of all of humanity's recorded knowledge)--now a teenager who's trying to date, which she has to do if there is to be another Archive after her, eventually--and her three fearsomely powerful "fathers" who are trying to protect their little girl in a very awkward way. It's about how family can drive you crazy even when they love you, and how loving them doesn't mean you can't want them to back off a little.

And it's sweet. I found myself laughing even as I was saying, "Guys, come ON."

Thank you, anonymous writer!

This entry was originally posted at http://gehayi.dreamwidth.org/449747.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

remix madness, ficathons, stories

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