It Ain't Over Till It's Over

Jan 20, 2012 02:46

This might help you understand what's going on with SOPA and PIPA, and why the problem did NOT go away when the Internet Blackout ended. Why this is, in fact, an ongoing problem for everyone on the Internet, everywhere in the world.

Anyone who has ever shared a song, linked a friend to a download site, or made a YouTube video needs to see this. It's important. Trust me.

(And yes, I am talking to people who are not Americans. This affects you, too. Don't ignore it just because it isn't happening in your country. When it affects the Internet...hey. That's where we ALL live.)

Watch the video. And then go to
nagasvoice's post here. You owe it to yourself to understand. The situation affects everyone on the Internet...and if you're reading this, that includes you.


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