Hey, guys. I just learned something really interesting about LJ.
In the wake of the latest LJ debacle, in which massive changes were made that eighteen pages' worth of customers indicated that they did not want and that would severely hamper certain comms (such as RPG communities)--changes that they did not even bother to beta-test--some people are suggesting that customers report LJ to the Better Business Bureau.
Don't bother.
According to the BBB, "
LiveJournal has indicated it will not work to resolve customer disputes through BBB and ask that customers go to LiveJournal's Help Center for information."
Eleven complaints were filed with the BBB between November 22, 2011 and December 19, 2011. All were closed because LJ won't cooperate.
In fact, on a BBB business rating scale of A+ to F...LJ rates a D-.
Oh, and you want to know something else? According to the BBB, the phone in LJ's San Francisco office has been disconnected.
(There appears to be a related office with a functioning phone
in Aloha, Oregon. The e-mails and the fax numbers for both the San Francisco and the Aloha offices have not been marked as "disconnected," but I do not know how well they are working.)
Now, I don't know whether the Powers That Be have disconnected the phone at the San Francisco office because they don't want to get complaints to that office for a while, because the people working there are on vacation or because of other difficulties...but I do not like the fact that the main American office of an international business for some reason lacks a working phone.
Not, of course, that LJ cares one whit what I like.
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