Sudden Illness

Nov 15, 2010 20:38

if I had been coherent enough to post last night, the post would have read, "Shaking with fever." I was completely out of it, thanks to fever. My face was scarlet and felt hot to me; I couldn't stop shivering because I was freezing (I know, fever, but I felt like I was sitting in an refrigerator); I couldn't keep my balance to save my life; every sound the house or the computer made vibrated through me and HURT; I couldn't type clearly; I couldn't even concentrate enough to read. I spent most of the night curled up in the downstairs bathroom (which is heated with electricity, unlike the rest of the house which is heated by oil, and which has not been warm since March or April).**

I eventually staggered off to bed, slept like the proverbial log and woke up fine, if somewhat exhausted. But honestly...I've heard of twenty-four hour bugs before. But twenty-four hour fevers?

**I ordered oil today from CRT, which you can't do over the weekend. They'll tell the fuel company, the fuel company gets authorization, and I eventually get oil. It's a 24-to-48-hour process.***

***I am really looking forward to having hot water again.

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