angevin2 is having a horrible time of it.
She's working as an adjunct professor at a community college in the Midwest. Though she has been working since August, it is school policy not to pay adjuncts until the end of September.
Problem: though it is now the end of September, she has yet to be paid. Why? Because the secretary didn't get the paperwork done. It "slipped her mind."
Which means that, through no fault of her own,
angevin2 is now stuck for another month without any income. The admins are saying that she will get double pay at the end of October...but even if this happens, it still doesn't solve
angevin2's financial problems now.
It is rather difficult to pay bills, afford rent and buy food when your employers aren't in any rush to pay your salary.
So if anyone can help her out financially, her Paypal address is
And if you can't help her out financially, could you please boost the signal?
Either way, she would appreciate it more than words can say. And so would I.