Good News From Connecticut

Apr 30, 2009 06:16

It's official. As of yesterday, Connecticut not only has same-sex marriage--which, yes, we've had for a while--but offers equal protection to those marriages and to civil unions, and, as of October 1, 2010, "civil unions that have not been dissolved or annulled, or are in the process of being dissolved, merge into marriages by operation of law."

Let me repeat that.

As of October 1, 2010, any people in a civil union that isn't in the process of dissolving or getting annulled, or who haven't legally separated, will be, according to Connecticut law, MARRIED.

The same rights, the same obligations, the same protections.

This is not a bill. The governor signed it into law. As of yesterday, it became Public Act 09-13.

I'm so proud of my state!

Go read it for yourselves:


marriage, laws, lgbt

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