Updates on Iris Print, and Links to Everywhere

Jun 17, 2008 09:43

After all the publicity on the Internet about non-payment and expensive vacuums, Kellie Lynch paid R.W. Day by Paypal.

Kellie Lynch says in two posts that none of the noncommunication and non-payment are her fault. She also says that Iris Print isn't going to Yaoi Jamboree--that she simply forgot to tell them that Iris Print wasn't attending.

The manga/anime industry is less than pleased:

Boys Next Door says If Iris Print hadn’t had this history of asshattery, we would be pleased to support them at every juncture. If they had communicated with their authors, let them know about the situation with their works and the money owed to them, then there wouldn’t be this boycott and this anger directed at Lynch.

Mangablog quotes Boys Next Door, author Tina Anderson and artist C.B. Potts.

Gia, who reports on manga/anime news, has two posts up about the mess: A Little More Yaoi Drama and an update on the situation.

Journalista, the news weblog of The Comics Journal reports, in the third story from the top (under the article about the Otaku Murderer), that Yaoi publisher Iris Press has announced that it is shutting down, capping a weekend or so’s worth of high drama.

Icarus Publishing says that [m]issed payment is a slap in the face… a bounced check is a spit in the eye and a punch in the gut.

There may be other links out there on the subject--if you know about them, please tell me and I'll add them.
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