Villanelle: Memo From The Senior Partners (AtS, rated G)

Oct 28, 2003 13:05

I don't know when this became more a writing journal than anything else, but here's something else. This is a villanelle in iambic pentameter.
(I hope that will shorten the lines a bit.)


Don't let them notice that they're on their knees.
Give them things that they think they want right now;
We'll bring them to our service by degrees.

Convince them--you know how, you've expertise--
They've made no promise they should disavow.
Don't let them notice that they're on their knees.

Persuade them they should rest and take their ease--
The P.T.B. would surely that allow?
We'll bring them to our service by degrees.

Their fantasies you'll have to quickly seize;
Bedazzle them with myst'ries--all theirs, now.
Don't let them notice that they're on their knees.

Small things may charm them, though they feel unease.
Strength, knowledge, magic...they will not ask "How?"
We'll bring them to our service by degrees.

Pledge anything you wish; make guarantees.
This Hell-spawned law firm's owned by heroes now.
Don't let them notice that they're on their knees;
We'll bring them to our service by degrees.

poetry, angel the series, author: gehayi

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