Goddamned Dial-A-Ride. And Goddamned Yellow Cab, Too.

Jul 25, 2007 10:01

It should not be this fucking hard to go to the library.

I made reservations yesterday to go to the library today. The driver for Dial-A-Ride never showed up. I sat and waited for him from 8:30 on. He claims he came to my house and waited for me for ten minutes. He did not. And considering that the dispatcher says that she called me using a number that is most emphatically not mine, I suspect that he either went to the wrong address or just blew the trip off. They do that.

I then tried calling Yellow Cab. The bitch who answered the phone was horrible. She couldn't keep straight where I live versus where I was going, and wanted phone numbers for both. I didn't have the phone number of the library on hand. I had to look it up. Took two seconds. That was too long for her, though.

Called back. Gave her my home address and my home number. Gave her my destination and its number.

She got them mixed up. Again.

I corrected her.

She got snotty and started asking where the pick-up was.

I told her that she had the address for the pick-up--my house--and that I was trying to give her the address for the return.

She said she had the address for the return and that she wanted the address for the pick-up, which was the address that the cab was heading toward right now. (HUH?)

I asked her what address she had.

She told me that the cab was heading to the library's address.

I told her no, that wasn't my address, that was where I was GOING.

She said that I told her that was where I lived. (Right, because I don't know where I live. Of course not.)

I told her that I had not told her that.

She said that I did.

I told her that I had NOT.

She said that if I hadn't, then I hadn't made myself clear enough. Now, I DID live at [library address], right?

No, I said. I live at [home address].

She said that wasn't what I had told her before.

I said that I had so.

She suggested that I call back when I knew where I was.

I hung up on her.


Meanwhile, I still have books on reserve at the library and no fucking way of getting there.

I hate this. I really do. Nothing brings home to you how dependent you are on other people than not being able to get to someplace because of them.


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