Interests and Icons Meme

May 01, 2007 14:58

Comment and I will give you 3 interests on your list, and 3 icons,for you to explain. Then you must post the answers in your own journal and allow others to comment. (Say boo if you want in on the meme.)

misscam asked me to explain these things:

Interests: footpad, mwpp, unlikely heroism

Footpad is a sockpuppet -- no, not a person who supports someone else. A puppet made from a sock. thistlerose invented him for her fics. Sirius uses Footpad--who resembles a dog--to tease, talk to, and, on at least one occasion, blackmail Remus. (No, I'm not saying why. Go read her fics for yourself.)

MWPP -- Well, that's just the acronym for Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, a.k.a. the Marauders, a.k.a. Remus, Peter, Sirius and James. I've written a lot of fics about the Marauders, or set in the era in which they were at school or fighting the First War.

Unlikely heroism -- Screenwriter William Goldman says in his books that he's a sucker for moments of stupid courage in stories. That's how I feel about moments of unlikely heroism -- brave, decent and believable acts from ordinary people, from grey characters, from protagonists who don't have any of the classic qualities of a hero.


This icon was made by vixenette, one of the first slashers I knew on LJ. I think, though I'm not sure, that the icon was created in response to the accusation that slashers will slash characters with anyone.


This is by sprouty, and it came from a comment of mine over at deleterius. In one story that I was sporking, the Suethor kept misspelling the name of the villain, and I kept getting more and more annoyed. Finally, she called him "Volemort" and I snapped, "Lord Volemort -- Dark Lord of the field mice." Because that's what a vole is--a small rodent that dwells in fields and meadows. sprouty was tickled by this, and turned it into an icon.


rabidfangurl made this one. I keep it because it's funny and makes me laugh...even though I'm not completely sure about the general gayness of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. However, Star Wars fandom seems to slash those two with everyone, so the icon makes a lot of sense.


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