
Jan 25, 2007 11:15

Do any of you have any ideas on how I can earn money to supplement my disability check? I really do need to have some kind of income, however small, and what little I have in the bank won't last forever. And there isn't enough left over from the disability check to save.

My POA keeps making noises about me taking in boarders, but since her idea of proper boarders are old nuns...well, I've spent most of my life living with old people--both relatives and the people at the nursing home--and frankly, I think that atheist, gay-marriage-supporting me living with a nun would drive me insane. Not to mention the feeling that I wasn't the boss in my own house anymore. I want and need my privacy. I've earned it.

So. I have to be able to do whatever-it-is from home--transportation is limited. I don't have a car, at least not a functioning one. And Dial-A-Ride only goes to certain towns, not to all of them. If the town I had to go to wasn't on their list, I wouldn't be able to get there.

I haven't worked for six years--illness and hospitalization took their toll. I have clerical and paralegal skills, and I've been proofreading for almost thirty years, but my resume is hopelessly out of date. I'm working on writing, but it doesn't pay well, and finding markets I feel that I can write for...well, that's going more slowly than I had hoped. And there's also the small matter of my having permanent health issues. Employers don't like that. It raises group health insurance rates for the company.

So. Does anyone have any suggestions about jobs, especially jobs that I can do online and actually get paid for?

money, jobs

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