Well, I've not been writing in the journal for a few days because I've been writing in other people's journals. I'm working on three different things at the moment, an about-to-be-Jossed Good Omens/Angel crossover, a Sandman/Angel crossover and a story about a local legend that will, I think, become a book. I can't tell you much more about any of them because nothing kills a story deader than talking about it before it's finished. The talking takes the place of the writing, and I don't want that to happen.
Here's a bit of a quiz for you. You've seen this meme before. Four things are true and one is false. You guess which one.
1. I studied English drama at Oxford University.
2. I have a hopeless and incurable crush on the British actor, Valentine Pelka. (This in addition to my hopeless and incurable crush on Peter Wingfield.)
3. I'm the youngest of three children, a twin and an only child.
4. I once led a student strike.
5. An FBI agent once broke into my house.