Tonight is a Percocet night.

Aug 05, 2005 19:45

Unfortunately, I have no Percocet, and no prospects of getting any, as the predominant medical philosophy around my neck of the woods is "tough out the pain." Also known as, "It's not that bad, you can deal with it."

Please, don't anyone call the cops on me and insist that I go to the hospital. I HAVE NO HEALTH INSURANCE. And with four pre-existing conditions, I will never get health insurance. Nor have I been approved for Medicare yet.

I had to pay nearly two thousand dollars for a trip to an emergency room back in June. This is including the ride in the ambulance and the bazillion tests I didn't need once I got to the hospital. I can't afford that.

So please, I beg you--don't call the cops on me. Don't tell me I need to go to the hospital and get the damned Percocet. I HAVE NO INCOME. I CAN'T AFFORD THE HOSPITAL BILLS.

And the fucking evil bastard doctors don't want to give me pain-killers anyway. Certainly they don't want to give me pain-killers for any length of time longer than two weeks. Oh, and no refills, because that's not the way they do things any more.


I'm just so tired of pain. Why doesn't it ever stop?


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