Spoilery Thoughts, Speculations and Notes on Names re: HBP

Jul 28, 2005 05:24

Okay. I finished HBP. Here are my thoughts, in no particular order.

Spoilers for HBP! )

harry potter, essays

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gehayi July 28 2005, 11:53:20 UTC
I think that Sirius might return as a Grim. He's constantly associated with them--not only by means of his Animagus form but also through his nickname, "Padfoot," which is what the Black Dog of Yorkshire is called. Black dogs, or devil dogs, are supernatural guardians; they protect treasure, or they protect those who are in grave danger of death.

I can see Sirius showing up as a Grim at the final battle to guard Harry. It would be like him.

As for Dumbledore...well, here's the sentence in question:

White smoke spiralled into the air and made strange shapes: Harry thought, for one heart-stopping moment, that he saw a phoenix fly joyfully into the blue, but next second the fire had vanished.

I'm just chalking this up to Harry's imagination. You can see pretty much anything you want to in clouds or smoke.


lazy_neutrino July 28 2005, 13:05:09 UTC
I can see Sirius showing up as a Grim at the final battle to guard Harry. It would be like him.

Did you ever read my 'A Surfeit of Wands', by the way? Just sayin'. As they say. Although it's not quite like that.


gehayi July 28 2005, 15:06:06 UTC
No, I didn't. But now I'm going to have to!


anonymous July 28 2005, 13:44:42 UTC
I'm just chalking this up to Harry's imagination

Oh, I hope you're right and Dumbledore isn't some sort of stupid Sue-y Phoenix animagus. I don't have a lot of faith in JKR, I'm afraid. She does tend to go with the obvious sometimes. (Harry's power is love? Hello, Wrinkle in Time, anyone?)

Hope you're right about Sirius too. That would be wonderful. And he can bite Remus on the arse for taking up with Tonks, because that's just bizarre beyond belief, in my opinion.


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gehayi July 28 2005, 15:11:11 UTC
I have no idea why my last comment posted as anonymous, I have the damn thing set to be logged in at all times. Sorry about that.

It's okay. Sometimes weird stuff happens with LJ.

Oh, I hope you're right and Dumbledore isn't some sort of stupid Sue-y Phoenix animagus.

God, I hope not. That would be ghastly.

I don't have a lot of faith in JKR, I'm afraid. She does tend to go with the obvious sometimes.

Alas. I wish this were not true, but it is.

(Harry's power is love? Hello, Wrinkle in Time, anyone?)

Yeah, I remember my reaction when Dumbledore told Harry he had the power of love, which Voldemort did not:

"Madeleine L'Engle called. She wants her pivotal plot point back."


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