"Ten Characters I Want JKR to Kill Off" Meme

Mar 20, 2005 14:31

LJ-cut for those who don't want to read memes.

1. Dumbledore.

He's outlived his usefulness. Heroes have to get rid of the Wise Old Mentor types before they get to confront the Ultimate Evil.

2. Voldemort.

He's so unterrifying as a villain it's pathetic. Kill him off and let either Lucius or Bellatrix become Dark Lord or Dark Lady in his place--they're human, scarier and a LOT more effective!

3. Grawp.

Completely unnecessary, and a total pain.

4. Kreacher.

Oh, come on. Remus NEEDS to kill him.

5. Hagrid.

Started off as interesting character. Is now annoying.

6. Fred or George.

I don't care which one snuffs it as long as one of them does. It would eliminate the image of the twins as people who can't be affected negatively by anything, and it would help the character development of the survivor.

7. Draco.

Boring character. He still acts like he's eleven. JKR, if you're not going to develop the character, get rid of him.

8. Ginny.

Her death would provide insta-angst for Harry and would drive a wedge between him and Ron.

9. Hermione.

Setting up Umbridge to be raped by the centaurs was unforgiveable. There really isn't much doubt that that's what happened--Umbridge is found with twigs in her hair, as if she'd been lying down, has no visible wounds--which she would have had from a beating or a stampede--is in shock and unable to speak when found, and, when Ron makes clip-clopping noises around her, her reaction is instant terror. Also, throughout mythology, centaurs meeting with adult human women tends to result in the women being raped. Hermione understood what she was planning to do to Umbridge, too--remember how panicked she got when one of the centaurs suggested that she should be considered an adult?

No matter how awful Umbridge was, and I hated her, she didn't deserve that. And no one on the good side should have done that--or gotten away with it. Die, Muggleborn slime.

10. Peter.

I don't actually want Peter to die; I want him to die well. I want him to die--and I don't think there is much doubt but that he will die--in a way that leaves no doubt of his humanity in the minds of Harry and the readers. I am tired of Peter being sneered at as "that stupid rat" or as "OMG TEH EVOL." I want people to see him, not as the personification of all evil, but as a man who fell and who then struggled to make up for it. If he must die, I want him to die...well...like a Gryffindor.

harry potter, memes

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