Rating: G
Characters: Chrome, Ken, Chikusa; mentions of Mukuro
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Summary: She's been folding her heart in all the cold places.
Notes: Valentine's fic. Sort of. I don't suggest attempting to follow the instructions on how to fold the heart, lol. >__>;; for khr_undercover.
Take a rectangular sheet of paper, fold lengthwise in half. Crease the folded edge and make sure they're all equal, no one side longer than the other. The paper is cream in color because she's not really that partial to red or pink. It's nice to have a Valentine's day where you don't have to make the present for yourself. She has blank ink and in her shaky handwriting she writes the picture of a heart at the edges of the paper. Her lines weren't straight and the pen she's using is too inky and it bleeds through, there's a blob of ink where the heart should be and she's wondering if she's done things right. Her seatmate beside her had a finished heart in red with silver spidery writing on the surface, cutting through the colors. From the edges of her mind Mukuro skims through her thoughts and chuckles. You're wasting your time, he chides. Chrome smiles languidly.
Fold the two sides together, making a rectangle that's half the length. You do this to keep the heart from looking lop-sided in the end. The talk of the class is the dance for later that night. Ken and Chikusa, who sit at the back of her class -- the only class that they have together, math -- are keeping to themselves with a decidedly uninterested air. Ken scratches the surface of the wooden desk, Chikusa has his headphones on, listening to technowarbling while he looks out to the windows, humming a faint tune. It startles Chrome to realize that she knows the title of the song. Fold one of the sides into the center crease, to make a right angle.
Make sure that the side you fold towards you is the open part. A boy comes close to her and asks her if she'd go with him to the dance; from behind her, Ken pauses, then continues to vandalize the wood, Chikusa's eyes move from her to the window, to the clock to the window again. Chrome politely said no. A hundred different hearts breathed softly, relieved, when the boy moves on and asks someone else, hoping to be picked instead. She thinks that once upon a time, she knew this boy.
This will help you tucking it all in the end. She places the heart in her pockets and waits for class to begin again.
In the washroom, the mirrors have been taken out, 'cause once upon a time someone has vandalized them with the words "if you want to go to a better place, go here!" Chrome silently washes her hands and ties her hair back. Someone calls her: "Nagi, I think you look better with your hair down. Nagi? Nagi? Hey, Nagi, it's me, do you remember?"
Fold the other side to mirror that, and you should end up with a triangle at the bottom with two rectangles, side by side, coming up. She walks back in the hallways in some kind of daze, trying to remember whether she put her lunch in her bag this morning before she went to school.
From the other side of the hallway, the voice kept calling her: "Nagi, hey Nagi! Do you remember me? Nagi!" A voice belonging to a girl, long-haired, once upon a time she knew her name. She smiled at her and said "yes". It doesn't matter, anyway. So long as you confirmed their brief intrusion in your life it's alright.
Flip the heart over.
The heart slips from her pocket when she reaches down to pick up other stuff that fell from her hands: a book frayed at the edges, a notebook with nothing written in it but names and phone numbers, a broken pencil, a pen without ink. A pencil case in shiny metal.
She gathers them towards her and Chikusa and Ken look at her in disdain. Ken snarls some rebuke and Chikusa wipes his glasses calmly. Another slip of paper drops from her book and she tries to reach for it in exasperation. Chikusa takes it, glances at the poetry written on the corner of the page, and hands it back to her.
"Thank you," she says.
"It's written badly, but the verses say you're creepy and the rest of things we already know anyway," Chikusa says and she shrugs, walking towards her next class.
Take one of the long rectangle flaps and fold it down and towards the outside of the triangle, so that it's right next to the long edge of the triangle. She's lucky if she manages to have a conversation with him without both of them descending to glares and screaming.
Repeat this on the other side. They didn't talk after that anymore, but they'd meet at lunch in that restaurant across the school which serves cheap ramen and other lunch specials. Timing is crucial.
Fold each of the flaps down and in to make the shape of the top of the heart. Chrome folds her paper heart carefully and gasps slightly, as if hurt, when drops of her drink splashes on it when the waiter came with their orders. "Geh, fucking look before you do anything!" Ken screams at the waiter, who apologizes profusely, while Chikusa hands her a napkin to wipe the surface of the heart clean. The water seeps through the folded pages, into the heart she drew on the corner and it bleeds on the cream-colored paper.
"Make another one. It'll rip out easily if you keep folding," Ken says, then snaps his chopsticks apart and wolfs down his food.
"It's alright, I'll let it dry out in the sun." She folds at the side of the table towards the windows, making sure the sun strikes all the places where it got stained. It's a nice feeling to be warm, she muses. She's been folding her heart in all cold places, it must've been tired of holding up with the same cold hands in the shadows.
"What the hell is that supposed to be?"
".... a heart. For Valentine's."
"Thought it was an airplane." Chikusa raises an eyebrow at Ken and jabs him at the side for good measure. "You're blind."
"Go back to your class, Chrome. Don't be late."
"Where are you guys going?"
"Arcade. Not a girly place." Headphones are back on, music seeping out into the open.
"... I'd like to come with you guys."
Snarl. "You shouldn't skip, you're barely passing your class anyway!"
"I'd like to come with you guys."
Then, a little bit later: "... please?"
Briefly exchanged glances. Shrugs.
"Don't expect us to tutor you!"
"You'd suck at anyway, Ken."
"Shut up, Kaki-pii! As if you can do better!"
She walked quietly, following them. There's a feeling of happiness swelling inside her like a tumid river.
Tuck the flaps into the long edge of the triangle. Tape down the flaps.