I just finished watching Emily's interview on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, I saw it when it first got out but today it was airing on tv here so I watched it again. The complete show. And I have to say that at first I was angry because the interview was way too small, fun but small, and now I realized it was because the passengers from that flight that landed on the water were there and they got all of Ellen's attention. Anyway, I'm not complaining...at least she had an interview on Ellen's show! I've been waiting for like a year to see one.
I also been watching ER's new episodes. Elizabeth Corday is back, wtf?!?! I did not see that coming. Although I guess it's only for that episode. The other day, I can't remember where but, I read a blog entry that said something like they are bringing back some of the old cast and they are trying to create imaginary bonds with the actual cast, which is weird. And the person who wrote that, he/she was right! There aren't any original cast members rather than... who? Jerry? Halleh? Neela (who can be also considered relatively new as well as Sam)? I wonder how's it gonna be when Doug comes back. I just hope they don't screw things up. I'm still upset for taking Abby and Kovac out of the picture, and let's not talk about Pratt. AND, now Neela considering going away too? PLEASE LUCIEN JUST DON'T LET HER GO! Oh god. I just hate this show for making me so worked up about it. But I guess that that's what they want, right? Hart Hanson once said (I don't remember the exact quote) when Bones S3 finale aired and we all learned that Zack was the apprentice, that he was fine with everyone bitching about the season ender because it was better to have the viewers talking rather than in silence. And I think he's right.
On another note, if you check Obsessed with Bones daily, or weekly, or if you just happened to check it last night or today and you saw a 'Sofi' that send a couple of Newspaper articles and a Mexican article that also talks about that massive Bones' Spoiler that practically made the fandom explode on Tuesday...it's me! :D And a friend of mine that's also a Bones fan left a comment on one of the posts for me in spanish haha when I read it I couldn't stop laughing:
"Grande, Sofi! dejando la impronta x todo el fandom! asi me gusta. Te dejo un saludo a vos y otro para mi familia y todos los que me conocen! jaja!"
"Go Sofi! leaving a print on every corner of the fandom! I like that. I salute you and my family and everyone that knows me! haha!"
The comment makes no sense, i know, but for me it does and it was hilarious when I first saw it. And I was in the process of sending her a text message when she send one to me warning me about the comment lol.
Well I have to go to the grocery store, cook, lunch...do stuff. I have this idea that I'm forgetting about something...I'll edit the entry if I remember what was it about.