As we all know the last weeks of school are completely useless, especially when we'd all much rather be outside hanging out and going to the beach.
So, what happens on the last days of school? yeah...completely nothing!
Well, due to the monotany some must resort to FIGHTING.
Example A: Kyle Cornell desperatly tries to block Lindsey's punches in band.
Example B: Stephanie Hull and Eddy duke it out...for chalkboard space? (French class)
Most seem to prefer to waste their useless time in class by the ever-popular yearbook signing.
(Ashley D.)
Like Jessica Quick here, sleeping is much better than watching the annoying apush videos Mr. Rowan puts in to "entertain" us.
A good few of us beat the boredom by getting creative.
And yes, of course, we all hear those phony teacher speeches: "Well, class...its been an interesting year...I'm going to miss you all." Yeah right, we know they must all be thinking "Finally, it ends! No more having to deal with this crap."
And Chemistry teachers insist that on having the class wear their tye-dye creations for a grade, because there's nothing else to do anymore.
(Brent, Nikki, Me, and Kristina) Nikki, don't kill me for putting up this picture, its cute.
And lastly, when we all can't look at another worksheet without gagging there are two people we can always count on to be forever working.
(Rowan and Billy Garland)
So, there you have it. Last days of school are totally pointless. Unless, you are Mr. Rowan.