wah wah roommate

Mar 29, 2005 23:46

Today has been a calendar day for my douchebag roommate. I have two stories to report!

Earlier this day, a gaggle of girls were walking outside by our window singing or chanting or something. Now, my first thought was it was some dumb social club thing. Social clubs, for those not in the know, are retarded fraternity/sorority substitutes because we don't have frats or sororities here. I am normally pretty annoyed by their stupid gimmicks, but these people honestly just sounded like they were having some fun. It's not like they were screaming or anything either, and it wasn't late at night (it was around 7 maybe). In fact, they were walking past our window so even if we didn't like what they were doing we had to wait maybe ten seconds for them to leave.

But my roommate wasn't satisfied with that, no sir! He walked to the window and shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Yeah, great job being a douchebag! The size of your penis has been affirmed and everybody knows not to mess with you!

Second instance: I will often turn the air conditioner on during the day, because it is approaching summertime and it gets pretty warm. My roommate, deciding that manners and common courtesy are not necessary in this day and age, will simply reach over and shut the AC off when he feels it is time. Alright, I can cope with this. The semester is almost over and I don't want to get in a fight over something as stupid as the AC now. However, tonight he must have realized that he had not gotten a reaction out of me, as he decided to take it one douchebag step further.

The door opens and my roommate enters the room. Like any other day, he switches the AC off without a word. Now, one would think that he is going to settle in at his computer, or perhaps get ready for bed, or do any number of other things in the room. Well guess what, one, you were wrong! He picked his backpack up and left the room entirely! He wasn't even going to stay and appreciate the new shift in temperature!

EDIT: New story explaining why my roommate is in fact a pretty bad person.

My roommate managed to convince some girl to sleep with him. I don't know how, and frankly, the girl has a screw loose and is not exactly a prize catch. However, my roommate decided that he had enough with this girl and did not want to see her anymore. Any reasonable person would settle his own affairs: talk to this girl, explain to her what's up, and resolve everything. Not my roommate! He simply avoided seeing her! She came by my room often asking for my roommate, to which I would truthfully answer "I do not know where he is, nor when he will be back." I even told my roommate that the girl was looking for him. Did he finally step up to the plate and talk to her? Nope! One day he came into the room and said,

"Don't ever let that girl in here."

OK, for one thing "that girl" has a name you fucking cock. For another thing, why don't you explain things to her yourself instead of hiding like a fucking coward and expecting me to play bouncer.
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