DeadJournal Reincarnated

Sep 28, 2011 17:46

So after my loooong hiatus, I decided that I think I would like to start writing in this thing again. Which is an empty promise that I have made many times in the past, but hopefully I will actually do it this time. I even reformatted my journal so that you can actually read it now, even if it is disgustingly girly and pink.

I would like to go back to using this journal, because not only is it a good way for old friends to keep in touch with me (since I never answer my phone), but it will also give me an opportunity to keep writing, and to reconnect a little with my creative side (I was disappointed to hear that they don't offer art classes in medical school... who would have thought?!). And also because... well, as my classmate Paula put it today, maybe I need to break out of my shell a little bit... and maybe expressing myself, even if it's just to an empty audience, will help a little.

Anyway, I linked this account to automatically post on my Facebook and my Twitter when I make an update. Hopefully it will not be annoying to those of you who don't really care and don't want to read it, because obviously you don't have to read this. But in case you're bored and are interested for some reason in my incredibly mundane life, it is open to everyone. Don't be shy about commenting either... part of the reason why I like to share it is that I love getting feedback from people, and hearing other opinions and stuff.

But yeah, just wanted to let everyone know.

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