The Real World

May 15, 2008 22:00

I have finally



found a job ( Read more... )

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hedwig_snowy May 16 2008, 15:34:29 UTC
"It makes me a little sad, I guess"

I'm happy that you got the job. Period. End of sentence. :)

Now, it also says a bit about our society though. Not sure that this really works this way all the time, but that it works that way at all is telling. Who do people normally hang out with? People who think and look and act like them. It's human nature. We like to be challenged but we also like a comfort zone. Who, mostly, owns businesses? Who hires people? Who do they have personal contact with that would give a person with no experience a 'leg up'? It's just that it hit me that if I owned a business and hired people based on who I personally know when they suggested I hire a contact of their's....I'd mostly hire white people. Just saying.

And Hillary is not going to be the nominee for the Democratic Party. I voted for her. I donated money. But it is over. Bitches can get stuff done...back in the Senate.

I've seen a lot of comments that say she should step aside yadda, yadda, yadda. Two thoughts: 1) She deserves the right to leave whenever she wants and I don't think she can because to do so before all the states voted, at this point, would be spitting in the face of those who voted for her and 2) The length of the campaign has not only helped Obama become a better candidate, got most (hopefully all) of the skeletons out of his closet, helped us get to know him, but, most of all, allowed him to get to know the country better. That may or may not make him a better candidate in the short term, but I think it will make him a better President. And, that is also a foregone conclusion with having to face McSame in the fall.

*In case you missed it on TWT...a belated Happy Birthday!* :)


geeterz May 20 2008, 17:53:54 UTC
Haha, thanks, I am happy I got the job, too! And you're very right, I think people do hire people like themselves.

My mom keeps muttering darkly to herself that Hillary is going to win because she's a cheater and she will stop at nothing and blah blah blah (she's got a personal vendetta against Hillary, and Obama is like her savior, which I think is sort of funny because the two candidates actually both have pretty similar policies). In any case, though, you make a good point that the campaign may have helped Obama. I certainly hope so, cause I like him a lot. :)

Also, thanks for the birthday wishes!!


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