Kid Quote of the Month

Mar 10, 2008 18:22

"Wow!  Oh my gosh!  Look what I made! Lookee! ... ... I have to show her!  Hey, Hey, Come and look!  I made YELLOW pee!!"

I was fortunate enough to be the "her" who just had to be shown the miracle of yellow pee.  I did try to figure out from my little friend on the autism spectrum precisely why yellow pee was exciting and what his typical pee did look like, but he seemed to think it was a stupid question so I didn't get an answer.

In other random notes:  
I had a good weekend full of visits with friends (yay to J&E  moving to the 'burbs!) and lots of gaming.  So no complaints here.  (Although, for the record, E does not seem to share my "yay" sentiment about having moved to the 'burbs. heh.)  And Welcome to LJ, 
poindextrous!  And my boss is going to start playing WoW now after having heard me talk about it - and after his longtime interest in becoming as geeky cool as me someday.  He has finally decided to start his journey.  I'm not sure he can do it - I'm all sorts of geeky cool.  But it's important to have dreams, so I'll let him dream.  It'll be interesting to see what his online personality is like...

I think my last patient note just finally went thru into the system, so now I can go home soon!  Hallelujah.  I have a sick K at home to take care of, so let me outta here!

life, gaming, kids, work

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