Another day, another journey (sorta)

Jul 03, 2004 01:29

Well im getting ready for bed, so ill make this short(er). Anyway today was a long ass day at work and I couldnt wait till i was let off. It was very boring untill some of my friends came in to work around 4:30-5. The Andys, Dave, and Katelyn all came in around then and things started getting brighter. Katelyn acted like she was pist at me, which startled me cause i thought we were all cool again. Anyway after messing around with both andys, and talking to dave, alot, about his g/f having her baby sometime soon, cooking was pretty easy and went by quickly. Kate got off work before me, which i was pist about because i had to go home and get a shower and all the before the movie. Anyway me and kate went to see Spidey 2 at 9:30, but it was sold out. So we got tickets to the 10:00 showing. The started with much anticipation on my part. It was soo good. I was very happy to see it and cant wait till number 3. So after saying bye to her and driving home, I talked to chrissy for about an hour about many things, mainly the race that we are going to tomorrow. So after work ill be off to the races (that was corny) and having alot of fun with my number 1 girl (and only one). Have a good night and ill be sleeping alot.
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