
May 22, 2007 17:48

Welcome, one and all (but mostly one. Hi, Ari!) to this joyful occasion, this most important point in history, this momentous...moment.

Because not only is this the first drabble I ever wrote, and the first NCIS fic I ever wrote, but it is also the first fic I am posting online EVER! Yay! Party streamers!


Title: Dead and Unburied Drabble
Rating: G
Summary: Brief convo between Tony and Tim during 'Dead and Unburied'.

Tim stood next to Tony in the elevator, watching the light countdown the floors to the garage.

“So,” he said, looking at Tony in an I’m-not-really-looking kind of way, “I never would have taken you for a Brokeback Mountain kind of guy.”

Tony ducked his head, looking at Tim out of the corner of his eye and flashed that movie-star grin. “Howdy.”


After that, I assume they go back to one of their apartments and have hot man sex. Well where is it?! I hear you ask? Whoa, there. Slow down. It's my first time yeah? Eventually I might write that scene. But then again, I might not.

ncis, slash, fanfic

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