Official Californian

Feb 10, 2009 17:23

Running update:

5 minutes at 5.5 mph
15 minutes at 6 mph
10 minutes at 5.8 mph
Total Distance: 2.93
Average mile time: 10:15

Yes, I really haven't been running for almost a week! Gah. Fighting off that cold just wore me out, so I thought it would be a good idea to take a little break. I still went for walks and such, so I wasn't completely lazy. Yesterday I went for a 3 mile power walk. It only took me 45 minutes so I was averaging about 4 mph.

I finally got everything taken care of at the DMV. It only took about an hour and a half on Monday to get it done. I only got one question wrong on the written test and it was about a law that I had read about, but I wasn't sure if it was in effect yet or not. Turns out is was as of January.

Also, my inability to blatantly lie has bit me in the ass. I said that I brought the car to CA in May of last year (which technically isn't true since I brought it here in July of 2007), but I really should have said I brought it last week because now I've essentially paid $200 to register my car for about 3 months. I have to renew my tags again in May! Gah! Bastards. I essentially paid double registration (for AZ and CA) for 9 months.

I am still on track for my initial weight loss goal. Yay! Just over 6 weeks left and only about 3.5 lbs. to go! And still no sweets for 6 weeks!

I filed my tax return over the weekend and I should get my return on the 20th. Yay for money. I still haven't done my state return so I don't know how much money I will get in an IOU *rolls eyes*

l.a. living, weight loss, running

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