OMFG! Comic Con!

Jul 25, 2007 11:44

The day is finally here!

The doctor took hella long this morning *sigh* Found out my bad cholesterol is slightly high (by 13 points) and the good stuff is slightly low (which surprised the doc considering how much exercise I get). And I seem to be eating the right things, so it is probably in the genes. Thanks mom (I blame her for everything genetic). Joy.

Got a fun prescription that took forever to get filled! It should help me not become a giant ball of sweat at the drop of a hat (ick, I know).

I just got to work at 11:30am and I have to leave in an hour to go to the training session. Gah. Three hours of torture before I get to hit the road.

And just because it's too damn adorable

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I know everyone else has posted this, but I can't resist.

Yay Comic Con! Squeeeeeeeeeee!     

comic con, doctor, amanda tapping

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