Previous posts:
7th Award Ceremony: Friday, July 15th
alex_axle- RIP WIP Entry #10 ( 1, 2)
alternatealto- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
antiquixotic barefootpuddles- Be a SME!
- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
- Sick!Wilson Fantasy Island
brindlewolf damigella_314 deelaundry flywoman- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
fry_addict- RIP WIP Entry #03 ( 1, 2, 3)
knitty_woman- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
lifes_own_light- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
- Sick!Wilson Fantasy Island
lovemywilson mmorgan317- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
mnstrtruckslash nightdog_barks pgrabia*Corrected to include credit for sekret woids
rslhilson sin_of_pride- Gather 'round the campfire discussion
- Sick!Wilson Fantasy Island
srsly_yes storm_seller sydpenguinbunny taiga13- Sick!Wilson Fantasy Island
writerdot- RIP WIP Entry #12 ( 1, 2, 3, 4)
yarroway 6th Award Ceremony: Friday, July 8th
antiquixotic barefootpuddles brindlewolf brynnamorgan cellista_in_c- Clue Haiku #8
- Completed requirements for Wilsoneer badge, having earned at least one star in four Specialty categories (Storyteller, Fanartist, Poet, and substituting 5 Camper badges for 1 Specialty category)
damigella_314 deelaundry mashfanficchick- Three Sentence Story Challenge (nightmares)
- Clue Haiku #11
- Summer Danger Fun!
menolly_au mmorgan317 petitecuriosity pgrabia rslhilson rslworks sin_of_pride srsly_yes sydpenguinbunny writerdot xgraciela yarroway 5th Award Ceremony: Friday, July 1st
alternatealto- Drabble: Incubus (w/Sekret Woid #4)
- Writing Game
barefootpuddles brindlewolf cellista_in_c coconut_ice22- Three Sentence Story Challenge
cuddyclothes damigella_314 flywoman- Wheel of Mis-Fortune Game
- Three Sentence Story Challenge
- Induction into the Hall of Fame (having earned a Wilsoneer badge and a Super Camper badge)
ladyinverness23 lifes_own_light lovemywilson menolly_au mmorgan317 mnstrtruckslash only_po pgrabia rslhilson- Writing Game
- Three Sentence Story Challenge
- Clue Haiku #1 (insomnia)
- Completed requirements for Wilsoneer badge, having earned at least one star in four Specialty categories (Storyteller, Macroist, Poet, and substituting 5 Camper badges for 1 Specialty category)
sin_of_pride- Three Sentence Story Challenge
srsly_yes sydpenguinbunny taiga13- Writing Game
- Three Sentence Story Challenge
verbal_kint10 writerdot- Writing Game
- Completed requirements for Wilsoneer badge, having earned at least one star in four Specialty categories (Storyteller, Drabbler, Macroist, and substituting 5 Camper badges for 1 Specialty category)
- Three Sentence Story Challenge
- Fic: Period of Adjustment [WIP]; (w/Sekret Woid #3 in pt. 1)
xgraciela yarroway