Congratulations campers, and thanks for your invaluable contributions to this harmless bit of summer fun. Well, harmless to everyone but Wilson anyway. ;)
We hope you enjoy using your shiny new badge icons as much as we've enjoyed your wonderful fics, drabbles, limericks, icons, and other bits of sick!Wilsony goodness.
And don't be bashful about coming back for more badges! Camp Sick!Wilson is open through Friday, July 16th, so there's still plenty of time to earn credit for torturing our favorite oncologist in some "new and unexpected way."
Thanks again, and keep up the good work!
Camp Sick!Wilson Hall of Fame - 2010
almightyspazlovemywilsonmashfanficchickyarrowaybarefootpuddlescresty_on_rymoose_mcmoosesrsly_yes3rdgal12fleurionemenolly_aumostlyscrubbed_slytherin_girl Super Campers
cresty_on_ry NEW!
mashfanficchick NEW!
lovemywilsonmenolly_au3rdgal12_slytherin_girlsrsly_yesyarroway MOD NOTE:
You guys have earned so many badges, we just had to create a brand new thread to make room for more!
The badge ceremony for Friday, July 9th is posted
Thanks for doing such a wonderful job of keeping Wilson in the first-aid tent this summer!
Special Award Ceremony: Friday, July 2nd
3rdgal12- Posted Mad-Libs (2nd half of credit)
- Loldocs Challenge
- Let's Gather 'Round the Campfire #3
- Fic Scavenger Hunt
- Sick!Pic Collage Challenge
- Scavenger Bingo #2
_slytherin_girl srsly_yes yarroway 4th Award Ceremony: Friday, July 2nd
3rdgal12 aileb42 alternatealto barefootpuddles brynnamorgan