(no subject)

May 16, 2007 12:36

Take the quiz at dicepool.com

"You are the large, round, friendly d20! (You probably didn't know this, but the shape of the twenty-sided die is called an Icosahedron.) You are the friendly, outgoing, outspoken, leader of friends. You are often looked up to, even though you don't normally deserve it. Most other types secretly wish they were you, and you'd give them tips on how, if only you had a clue yourself. Your charisma is often all you need, but you have your occasional moments of brilliance as well--just never when it's actually needed. You are the all-around good guy, a dependable chum, a respectable foe, and an inspiration to those who need one. Who says you can't get by on a smile and good looks alone?"

This is surprisingly accurate. Especially about the moments of brilliance.

Idiot woman lost at our small claims hearing (so did we but it's funnier 'cause she didn't get anything she wanted). Now we have to go to trial. Why? Because she's stupid. We could have settled everything at the hearing but nooooooooooooooooooo. Like I said, she's stupid. Like Homer Simpson stupid. 'Dumber than a sack of dumb' stupid. Meh. It was all worth it to see the look on her pig face.

trial info, quizzes

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