Oct 28, 2005 00:09
Hi. I'm a stupid brat. I like to moan and complain about everything. Feel sorry for me. Look. LOOK! See how miserable I am? Are you looking? ARE YOU LOOKING? Ok, good. Here's my head in my hand, here's my little pouty face... "ohhhhhhhhh! I hurt soooooo bad!" Did you see that? Do you feel sorry for me? Good.
I'm fucking pathetic.
If you say something to me that even remotely sounds critical, I will freak the fuck out and think you are picking on me. If you say something to me that sounds like you're being sympathetic, I will think you are picking on me. If you say anything that can possibly be taken as offensive, even if, to find it offensive, I have to think really hard and take a long and convoluted path to conclude that you are being offensive, I will think you are picking on me. Nevermind that you've gone out of your way to be nice to me. You're still picking on me, and I don't like it.
You're stupid and you're stupid and YOU'RE stupid. You're all stupid. You're all pretty and thin and you know how to have fun and be young... that makes you dumb. The only smart one is me because I like to think of myself as really really old.