och varje moln är trasigt du räknar allt sorgligt natten lång;;

Nov 22, 2009 01:03

I watched my shiny new Rebel without a Cause DVD earlier and decided to cap some of the pretty. Oh hush, you know you've totally got a crush on James Dean too. Even my mother was sighing all over the place when she walked past and saw what was on.

So Jim's gone and drunk himself silly because he's got parental issues.

This is Judy, she's played by the gorgeous Natalie Wood and I'm in love with her red coat.

Jump ahead, Jim's got himself in a knife fight his first day in school.

But enough about that, James Dean has his shirt off. Seriously.


I really love that Buzz just snags his cigarette out of his mouth.

Anyway, he ends up in a chickie run with Buzz. This means they're going to drive as fast as they can towards a cliff and jump out of the car before it goes over the edge - the first one to jump is a chicken. This is a very intellectual sport, but as Buzz said:

Buzz: You know something? I like you.
Jim: Why do we do this?
Buzz: You've gotta do something. Don't you?

This is so cute.

Judy: I love somebody. All the time I've been... I've been looking for someone to love me.
And now I love somebody. And it's so easy. Why is it easy now?
Jim: I don't know; it is for me, too.
Judy: I love you, Jim. I really mean it.
Jim: Well, I'm glad.

... Okay, they're adorable but I can't help but go "Girl, WHAT? You've known the guy one day and you were mean to him for the first half. Also, you know, your ex DIED only a few hours before this."

Hello arms.

... Yeah this is just a gratuitous back shot.

pic spam, film, james dean

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