what if I'm a siren singing gentlemen to sleep?;;

Sep 21, 2009 15:31

I love Michael Emerson, this is no sercret what-so-ever, mostly because of Ben, but he does seem to be such a geniunely good person on top of playing my favourite character ever. Then there's his wife, Carrie Preston who doesn't get enough credit for her role on True Blood and who is freakin' smoking as a blonde.

Where I'm going with this is that the Primetime Emmys were on last night and Michael Emerson won for best supporting actor in a drama series. This was one of the highlights of the evening, Kristin Chenoweth winning for Pushing Daisies being the other (and Jon Stewart but as long as it was him or Colbert, I don't really mind, to me they're pretty much the same).

Now this is a happy post - yay, Michael & Cheno won! - but damnit, has anyone actually watched Little Dorrit? Seriously, I'm really rather peeved by the lack of Generation Kill wins. It's a shame that people just get side-tracked by the blinding ASkars love and forget how good the show itself is. It's an ensemble, all the guys were brilliant and it deserves more than what it got. I believe I threw the word 'robbed' around a lot last night. Hurm.


Oh well, back to the happy part:

Aren't they just absolutely precious and adorable and so sweet together? :)

emmys, generation kill, true blood, awww!, lost, i can has michael emerson?, carrie preston, pushing daisies

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