see the whole moodtheme <---
download the moodtheme <---
1. Download the moodtheme and unzip it.
2. Upload the 132 images to your own server (I recommend Photobucket). Do not change the file names.
3. Go to the
LJ Admin Console4. Copy and paste into the text box:
moodtheme_create "House" "season 4 house moodtheme"
If you don’t like the title or description then feel free to change them.
5. Click on execute and it should give you an ID number. WRITE DOWN THIS NUMBER. Or if you want to show off then just remember it, I don’t care as long as you know your ID number!
6. Open up the adminconsolecode file (which should be in the .zip file) in notepad or a similar program. Use the replace tool to…
Replace: 12345 With: Your ID number
http://www.hosting.com/ With: Your server address
For example, a line of mine reads:
moodtheme_setpic 433073 90
http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/vands88/house/moodtheme/accomplished.png 80 50
7. Copy and paste your edited code into the admin console and click execute
8. You should be taken to a page full of green writing now saying that it has inserted the data. If this is not the case, go back and check your working, it’s most likely a problem with the code.
9. If you want to use your new moodtheme straight away then go to your customise page and find the moodtheme section. Simply scroll down, find the House one you just uploaded and save the changes!
10. You’re done! If you’ve got any problems or questions, I’ll try my best to answer them.
- First ever moodtheme! :D
- Some of these were frakkin' impossible. I'll give you a couple of examples; "HOT" in a season set in the WINTER, "HYPER" in a show where everyone just SULKS, "DEPRESSED" in the only season of House EVER where he's not depressed and drinking himself to death (also why "DRUNK" was difficult). Seriously people, this one was damn hard! Don't even get me started on "ECSTATIC". Just don't.
- There's a lot of House, I know. Mainly because I can't resist Hugh's talents but also because the show is about him and he's probably the only character that everyone likes (you wouldn't watch House if you didn't like House...right?).
- If you hate a character to pieces then if you ask nicely I might make a couple of alternatives that you can use. But you're gonna have to ask really nicely because moodthemes take FOREVER.
Terms of use:
Credit vands88 and/or geeky_ness in your profile please if you use my moodtheme!
Please leave a comment if you're taking, it's only manners. :-)