So since I don't have time to properly review tonight's episode...allow me to give you my reaction in GIF format because seriously...I'm all 0_o
And since the cut system sucks right now there won't be much in the way of spoilers
So..first I was all "Boo, filler episode" so I felt like screaming this:
Then it got to the ending and I was all and the Doctor was all like "I know something you don't know" and revealed something epic and I was like:
And then the reveal was FOR REALS and I was like:
And the it ended and there was no preview and I was like:
But then I found the preview for the mid series finale and now I'm all like:
and a little like:
So overall....well played Moffat....well played. Now I'm going to go get nerd drunk and discuss this with my friends.