I have the plague. Not the bubonic plague, just the sore-throat, cough a lot plague. It's not as deadly but still, annoying.
My store is not yet open. Stupid inspectors.
I had a terrible nightmare about a world where everyone was born condemned to some awful, predetermined death, and it could come due at any time. Like, you could just be going about your business and suddenly it's time for you to be flayed alive. It was a horrible, scary, graphic dream, which is how I always dream when I have a fever. Stupid fever.
My karaoke last night was less than stellar. Of course, I did step out of my comfort zone and do Joan Jett's "Light of Day" instead of a song I knew really well, but still.
I have a pretty good idea for my bigbang story, thank goodness. Now I just have to write it.