Apr 21, 2008 08:05
I had a rather unusual dream going on this morning. It began with me arriving via plane in Japan to visit Keith. After driving down a street for a bit, we realized we were goign the wrong way,a d turned back around. We passed 2 Dunkin donuts, as this was an "American" neighborhood. We stopped at a large Grocery store. Keith told me it was "one of the 7 Stop n' Shops in the country" and would actually be cheap, as I was worried about money. I was very excited to get food, and passed many boxes of cereal, crackers and the like with weird cartoon characters on them. Most of the products were American though. The back of the store featured a toy store that looked exactly like the old Toys R Us at the old Shoppers World in Natick.
After leaving this building, I was driving with Keith, his friend Post, his Dad and someone else I can't recall. Keith had us stop off at this bar, where we could see people dancing through the window, even though it was something like 4pm. When we went to pay up front (the bouncer just had you put cash into an envelope for drinks) there was an incident where this girl tried to steal my money, and then tried to take money from the bar, and we all got thrown out as a result.
I returned some sort of "thank you cards" from the money envelope to the bar owner, who looks pleased to get them. I then realized I stole about 50$ US from the bar, and felt guilty about it, but did not return the money. I gave a 10 to the girl, and she traveled with us. We all ended up on this dirt path that ran alongside a hill that had a better path at the bottom of it. We decided we had to climb down. I assisted Keith's dad, and we all ended up having to climb into this gross river and float along it.
We found 5 or 6 bottles in the river that had paper inside them. I tried to read the paper through the bottle, and it was some sort of chemical that I knew was used in making military versions of Molotov cocktails. I threw the bottle up on the shore, so that it was out of the way. We floated further down the river, and it was full of all sorts of trash. Someone in our group stated that this water could be filled with water-born tuberculosis, and that all of Tokyo would be poisoned if this were the case.
I was then told that some sort of terrorist organization or UN security force (no one knew which) had a secret underwater base in the river, which had an unnecessarily large lacrosse field.
Suddenly the dream turned into a movie of sorts, and instead of actually being involved in the dream, I was watching Desmond from LOST, guarding this fort along with two other people who were doing some sort of military training. The fort was suddenly being raided, and he was trying to use his keys to escape to a bunker beyond the lacrosse field, while dodging assault riffle fire. My alarm then went off...